Frozen Meal Program
Once a week, clients receive two to fourteen meals, based on need and preferences. In addition, to promote a healthy diet, deliveries include milk or juice, bread, fruit, and snacks. The delivery day is determined by the client’s location within the county.

Daily Delivery Program
Clients who cannot store or prepare frozen meals may request one hot meal, one cold-bagged meal, or a set of meals (one hot and one cold) each day of service. To ensure proper nutrition over the weekend, Friday’s regular delivery includes two cold-bagged meals and two frozen meals.

Emergency Bags
Beginning in October, in case volunteers cannot deliver due to bad weather or kitchen closure, we offer emergency meal bags that contain enough shelf-stable food for two meals. Bags are also available during the summer in case of power outages. To the extent possible, these meals follow the same dietary guidelines as our regular programs.
Struggling to prepare meals? Still value your independence? Meals on Wheels of Monroe County might be the perfect solution! Whether you need help or you know someone else in need, the application process is quick and easy.