A loving pet can keep the loneliness away.
Let’s face it. Being stuck at home due to illness, injury, frailty, or mental health issues is difficult on the best of days. Here at Meals on Wheels of Monroe County, we know how much pets can help ease the burden and make each day brighter.
Community support, including cash and product donations, enables us to provide one to two weeks of pet food to current Meals on Wheels clients every month. Occasionally, depending upon our inventory, we can deliver even more.
As grants become available, we may also offer financial assistance with wellness checks, immunizations, nail trimming, microchipping, and transportation to and from to a veterinarian.
Donations are greatly appreciated.
For safety reasons, we are only able to accept unopened bags of dry food and undented cans, before their Best By date. Food can be dropped off from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m, Monday through Friday. You may also call the office to arrange for pickup.
Our greatest need is for wet and dry cat food, and wet dog food.

Pet Food Drives
If you wish to conduct a Pet Food Drive on our behalf, kindly
email Stacey Koeck or call her at 570-424-8794.
Struggling to prepare meals? Still value your independence? Meals on Wheels of Monroe County might be the perfect solution! Whether you need help or you know someone else in need, the application process is quick and easy.